Monday, 12 September 2016

Frist ... Brrr

Yeas, that is reality of high altitude gardening, early onset of cool watcher which translates to frost.  In the past two days the the temperature reading on my weather station showed 0 dec C and some effects are now visible int he garden.  Lettuce has shown sign of frost, I have been keeping tunnels closed to protect tomatoes crop and hope that they have not been affected. Also, I have big landscaping project on the go so that keeps me away from blogging.  It seems that this experiment is for my own self fulfillment, and does not look like I have lots of following.  Will try to keep updating for my own records so I will be able to compare events.

Yard project ..

.. has taken over my time last weekend and finally is done.  It has been very hard on my body, lol, doing "honest man" work, that is digging with shovel.  The pathway is now looking like it supposed to.  Weather was not pleasant rest of the weekend, Saturday though was very n ice (too  nice to work  digging unfortunately), Sunday, it was late fall winter like.  Mountains about 40 min. away got  snow on them, we had lots of cold rain and wind.    Nothing was done on Sunday, even walking with dog was hard due to rain and wind gust directly into the face.  Rest of the week looks actually good, so we will have to start working on harvesting fruit of our labor in the garden.  Talking about fruits, strawberries are producing like crazy, best and biggest strawberries  the whole year.  There are so many of berries strangely at this time of the year. It looks like they have awaken from some dormant state and decided to propagate by producing fruit.  maybe cold winter is coming?  We will have to wait and see.

Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Stormy night

I manage to capture lightening during last night storm.  It was pretty close and spectacular.  It is not the best as I did it through the window.

Monday, 29 August 2016

Brief update

I have been in vacation mode so no frequent posts as either was away or busy with other activity.  This does not mean that we ignored our garden, quiet opposite, been busy enjoying fruit of our labor.  For starters, we have been eating sweet peas, cauliflower, carrots and potatoes.  Tomatoes are now ripening and we hare having pretty good crop.  One disappointment after last year crop is zucchinis. They had a slow start, although, now we had quiet few but nothing comparable to last year.  Must be due to wet summer.  One surprising thing, strawberries are at record levels after disappointing spring, now we have bumper corp, lots of strawberries but lots of green fruits.  Hope the weather will hold but we have started to experience +5 deg. C at night.  Last weekend it felt like fall has arrived as it was windy and cold.  First yellow leaves became visible on poplars.  We also harvested garlic and oh my, these were huge.  I took some risk and seeded lettuce and red beats to see how they will do, so far they germinated and are growing.  Apples are coming down with the onset of strong winds last week, so we may actually pick them from the tree to prevent bruising.  Another busy time of pre-harvesting in the garden.

Monday, 15 August 2016

Finishing Carpentry Work

This week, rather than spending it working in the garden, I undertook difficult task of fixing issue with one of the windows.  The window as in great shape but part on the bottom that holds slider (casement window) was rotten.  I inquired with company that does custom fixing and they quoted me huge amount of money for entire window replacement that would result in significant damage to stucco around the window.   To be truthful, they did state if I know finishing carpenter, he might be able to fix it.  Well, I decided to undertake this task.  After intense research into methodology, I purchased a peace of hemlock that would be used to build the replacement part.  The big risk was that was not sure of the extend of the damage and if I could not fix it, I would have to go with entire window replacement.  It took me two and a half hours to remove window, clean rotten peace of wood, build new part so it would fir perfectly and provide the same function.  Once I done this, I had to ensure that vapor barrier would be fix as well and new part would fit snugly into opening and perform the same way.   It was a successful project and it took so long as I approached  with philosophy " measure 3, no 4 times and cut it".  I actually had to pre-test before each cut, to make sure that the effect would be desired.  I settled part and with help of the glue, ensure that it is not moving and will serve as new support for existing window for long time.
This was very rewarding, specifically, knowing how much money I saved.  I have wasting resources and not trying to fix before replacing anything.  I am happy with the outcome and very satisfied with resolving the problem.

Quick update on the garden, weather is still crazy, so far there was only one day without storm in August.  Humidity is so high here, especially that we are not used to it.  This supposed to be dry climate and it feels the same  as in Maritimes.

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Quick garden update

I did not have a time or would not bring phone while in garden so few pictures to provide quick status on my garden.  Lettuce is amazing, cabbage is huge, tomatoes are turning red (slowly).  We have been eating our potatoes and beans.  With the rain, it is like a jungle out there.

 This is the first red tomato from the garden.  It tasted .. like a real tomato, can't wait for the next one (almost ready)

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Back to regular routine

Well, I was on holidays for past two weeks and left my garden in care of my in-laws.  It has been crazy month here.  It has rain for 21 days in July and total tally for precipitation in month of July (unofficial reading from my weather station) was at 215 mm (~8.5 ").  So lots of rain and add to it hot temperatures during the day, garden looked like jungle one we came back.  Since we had so many thunderstorms with hail, i have noticed that my apples are all bruised and some of them started to rot unfortunately.  That is hard, as we were so delighted to see fruit on new apple trees.  The big tree fairs a bit better due to canopy protection but apples show bruising, but at least at lower scale.
Tomato started to show some sign of color, have one red pepper (hot), we already have eaten potatoes, and those were soo good.  We have great crop on peas but beans are not as great and beats are in poor shape due to hail damage.
Once I have a moment , will post photo update.