Friday 17 June 2016

Unwanted visitor

I discovered trespasser on the property in form of Northern Pocket Gopher.  I started to burrow  around some tree and brushes, I since I planted some apple trees last year and this year, I did not wanted to take chances that they may die as a result of the activity.  I decided to place special trap to try to get it.  First attempt did not work as it continue to dig more mounds and many holes appeared around the trees.  I could not determine which corridor was primary one and after investigating (flattening all the mounds) I discovered one that was rebuilt next morning.  I set the trap and nothing was cut in it.  It was time for the next step, flooding.  Got my garden hose and my trusty German shepherd to assist me in case it will come out suddenly, we embarked on eviction via flood.  I stuck the garden hose into the corridor that looked fresh and about 4' of hose went into it (I did attempt into multiple holes before that) around the water for about 20 minutes and ... finally give up  and walked away, but not before setting trap on that corridor.
This morning wanted to check if there was any activity in the area, so went to check and it seem like nothing has happened, until I looked at the trap and yes, in it was culprit.  Sad but unfortunately, that is what happens to trespassers (unwanted).  I am happy as the new tress were in real danger due to proximity to burrows.  I hope this was the only one (in general they are solitary like moles), but will monitor the situation.  Last year my neighbor has real infestation and he trapped eight of these creatures.

Thursday 16 June 2016

Photo update

As promised, I took time yesterday to get some photos to show progress.  In the mean time, yesterday morning we had a frost!, yes frost -1 deg C!!!!  Unfortunately, some of the potatoes and zucchini were affected, not in a dramatic way but zucchini a bit more.  I think couple of my outdoor tomato plants got significant frost bite.
Anyway, nature is unforgiving, in addition to frost is so dry that I spend few hours trying to save our lawn from completely turning brown.  Need desperately rain and nothing in the forecast, I would be happy even is thunderstorm materialized.
In the tunnels, different story, all growing fast and need to do some tomato "suckers" pruning and run line for support it.
Lettuce in the lower tunnel is healthy and ready ...
Cabbage just about to start forming heads..

Small tunnel view...

My rhubarb as you can see is about 4' tall

Potatoes , some showing frost burn
Another cabbage ...

 Tomatoes showing flowers

 Garlic plants

Well, my apple tree bearing fruit, hope it will  survive as they look great

Wednesday 15 June 2016


I was away for few days and hence no new posts.  I am back in town and bit disappointed that despite forecast, we received almost no rain and as a result my grass is pretty much dying.  Yesterday there was threatening cloud but went wrong way. Garden is doing good, but some of my potatoes are showing strange sign of burned black leaves.  Not sure what that might be and how to treat it.  Will research as up to this point, my potato crop was incredible.
Once I have a moment I will post updates and photo from my garden.

Monday 6 June 2016

Heat ...

A typical situation for Calgary, now we are facing heat wave and temperature above 30 deg C.  Weekend was busy doing yard chores, mowing grass and planting bushes etc.  Since last bit of rain was over 1.5 weeks ago, it is getting dry and had to water few spots to preserve healthy lawn. Garden is doing very well, potatoes are looking very good this year. Looks like we had some frost damage and will have to re-seed some stuff, but in general everything is germinating.  With warm weather, especially at night, we are experiencing big grow in the tunnels and outside.  Had to place fences around beds to protect from rabbits that roam around despite my dog efforts.
It is nice to see most of the bushes alive and well, but still have some that have no leafs.  I think this has to do with very dry spring.  Still have hope that they will come around.
One of the plum trees that we have planted last year is coming from "dead" and produced some leafs and more expected.  Wife started giving up on it but I never lost faith that it will come back to life after rain.
Due to hot weather, forecast calls for storms so we may get some moisture, I hope it will not include hail.

Thursday 2 June 2016

New month

I got busy doing some work to the point that I had no time to write any updates in the past few days on my garden process. Well, it is doing pretty good, had only few placed outside that I had to reseed (maybe a bit impatient) but it looks like past frost did kill early germinated seeds.
My tunnel is doing even better.  Tomato plants are growing wonderfully and I will provide photo update soon.  My sister advised me to sprinkle a bit of dolomite around and it definitely had some positive impact or perhaps, this is my imagination that it did, as it may be natural progression and growth (maturing) of the plants.
On the other hand, here is a view of cauliflower plants updfate .

Monday 30 May 2016

Spring update

Yes, I call it Spring as it was typical Spring weekend.  Bit of rain, bit od sun and lots of work in the yard as grass is growing very well.  Spend most of Saturday with exception of the morning, that was dedicated to quick round of nine hole, on doing yard work.  We had to cut the grass, make it presentable and tend to dandelions again.  Did some mechanical extraction and  some treated with vinegar.  The last method does leave bit of spots as vinegar also kills grass around  weed, but at least no long lasting effects and it s not bad for environment. Chatting with my neighbor, I have learned   that spruce trees, especially (or all) young ones might have pest eating them from the top so wend and inspected and found couple affected. The cure is to cut the "crown" a bit below affected area and it should eliminate this problem.
Garden update.  Noticed some early seeded  veggies not germinating yet as frost might have killed them.  I did some re-seeding and now are focused  on protecting new growth from rabbits, so fences will go up this week.
Potatoes are doing great, in the tunnels things looking wonderful, especially lettuce.  I think we will start spreading the "wealth" this week as heads are big enough to be used for wide consumption.
My rhubarb is approaching 4' in height,  and already had couple of pies made of and I loved it (see below).

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Yard update

We had rain, we had snow, and now grass is looking great.  I decided to continue working or aerating my grass as we expect to get more rain (showers) and I hope this process will strengthen grass.  Young apple trees that we have planted this spring have produced flowers and now small apples.  We might have fruit from them, can't really believe it.  The ones that we have planted last year, only one has flowers and potentially might deliver fruit.  From my experience, in this climate one must wait at least coupe of years before getting fruit.  My plum tree looks grim (planted last year) but I have hopes that with so much moisture, it may spur to life.
One of the flowering apple trees....