Monday 2 May 2016

Busy Weekend

With the weather this weekend I think everyone was working yard or garden, I did too.Sun was beaming and got a bit of sun burn and "farmers tan".  So reminder, use sun screen while working in the yard and garden as it is easy to get too much of exposure.  We have seeded almost everything in the garden and transplanted 95% of the thing that we supposed to transplant (primarily into tunnels).  Had a taste of fresh garden lettuce (butter) from the garden, can't even express how tasty it was.  This was just sampling, it is going to be ready for consumption by the weekend.  It is so dry that I had to start watering yard in some spot as it was totally dry-desert like.  I am afraid that grass might die before we get any moisture in form of the rain.  Another thing I did this weekend, I attacked dandelions (love this plant but I want  to please my neighbors)  by spraying them with vinegar.  This works pretty good and does not affect adversely environment.  I do not use any chemicals for lawn treatment but use combination of mechanical extraction (hand weed removal) and or vinegar.  I know that my neighbors my think I am crazy by extracting dandelions mechanically one by one, such a tedious process but I live outside and so are my dogs and I rather not use chemicals and I am trying to convince them to use of the same approach.  We see if we will succeed.  
Now, all I will be doing is praying for rain.  It is so dry and I do not have ability to water my entire yard, so the only hope that forecast of 30-60% of rain by Friday, will materialize.

Saturday 30 April 2016

Wekkend in the garden

Today I was able to confirm that temp difference between outside and inside of the tunnel is about +6-7 deg. which is great.  I feel almost safe to move some of the starters and transplant into tunnel. 
Well, it is done, I transplanted tomatoes into new home this morning and seeded more lettuce.  Noticed that seed that we have put into ground last weekend started to germinate (that is outside garden).  My lettuce in old tunnel is growing like crazy another week and we will start to consume it.

 This is bit foggy due to humidity inside when I took picture.

Friday 29 April 2016

Morning Update

Crispy morning today (-1 C) and my new tunnel in the morning sun.  Unfortunately, I was not able to check temperature as the temp gauge display faded (technical diff.), last night the difference between old low tunnel and new high double walled tunnel was ~4 deg.  Difference between outside ambient and new tunnel was +7 Deg C, so pretty significant.  I have to fix or get new temperature gauge, the one I am using now logs low and high temperatures, but due to high humidity exposure screen (LCD) stop working.  This weekend will be filling inside with transplant and seeds.

Wednesday 27 April 2016

Tunnel got a skin(s)

I was busy working last night installing plastic over my tunnel skeleton, actually, two skeletons, inside and external one.  It was a bit more work than I anticipated, partially due to windy conditions and fact that I need to fuse two large sheets of plastics.  In the end we were successful, I mean I and my team (including dogs that try to be helpful),  Got some pictures take by one of my assistants, but need to transfer those into my account, and once this is done, will post these.  I still have to string plastic over the doors and finish installing handles, etc, and we will call it project complete.  I think we will focus now of partially seeding in the new tunnel and moving starters/transplant into it.  Uff, it would be nice to turn this project to "operations" LOL.

Here it is .. new "skin"

Tuesday 26 April 2016

Tunnel Construction update

Today, or tonight will be the time to close tunnel construction by covering it with plastic.  This will be possible if weather cooperates and I will post updates in form of photo report.

Monday 25 April 2016

Finally rain ...

Prayers were answered, we got some rain (4.5 mm according to my weather station) that will definitely help to green the grass and garden as well.  Rain this weekend also help to manage my time and finish taxes.
Brief update from my garden, lettuce is growing like crazy in the tunnel, might be ready for consumption in couple of weeks.  Onion is not far behind.  Sorry for  lettuce a bit out of focus, but used iphone to take photo.
This week, maybe on Tuesday, I will finish new tunnel and start transplanting some of the starters into it.
Left it open to capture the moisture  before closing it up.

 Rhubarb update, as you can see it is "wild" how quickly it grows (see below)

Friday 22 April 2016

Where is the rain?

Thunder, lightning, well got my hopes last night that we may get some moisture  on the ground. The result not a drop on the ground, but 500 m to the South, puddles. Will wait for another day hopefully to see the rain.